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Combine & Save:Fundamentals of Word & MS Word Level 1: Formatting for Clarity

Fundamentals of MS Word 

This introductory course is designed for individuals with no experience in Microsoft Word. 

 Learn the basics of typing, navigating, entering, and editing text, as well as creating, saving, and managing Word files. Gain essential skills in text formatting and using spelling and grammar checks to produce professional documents. 

MS Word Level 1: Formatting for Clarity  

If you're already familiar with MS Word but recognize there's more to learn, this training provides the fundamental skills necessary to maximize your use of the software. 

Enhance and clarify your documents by learning key formatting techniques. This course covers setting, using, and modifying tabs, aligning paragraphs, adding bullets or numbers, and incorporating page numbers, headers, and footers. Additionally, you'll optimize document appearance with adjustments to margins, orientation, and page layout, while also simplifying proofreading with spelling checks and boosting productivity with AutoCorrect, AutoText, and templates.  

Prerequisite: Basic familiarity and experience with MS Word or Fundamentals of Microsoft Word. 

Key Details

Tuition:  $390.00

Schedule Information

Class Name (Course #/Class ID) Location Start Date Class Schedule
Fundamentals of MS Word - Section D (2410003 /3761) Medicine Hat Campus 02/24/2025 Weekly - Mon, Wed 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; 2 sessions starting 2/24/2025, ending 2/26/2025
MS Word Level 1: Formatting for Clarity - Section D (2410004 /3762) Medicine Hat Campus 03/10/2025 Weekly - Mon 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM; 3 sessions starting 3/10/2025, ending 3/24/2025

403.529.3874 |

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